Safari Activities at Royal Mara Safari Lodge

The Royal Mara Lodge allows you to experience all that the Maasai Mara Kenya has to offer on guided game drives and bush walks.

Game Drives

Set out to explore one of the Seven New Wonders of the Natural World on twice daily game drives during your Kenya vacation. These are conducted in specially adapted safari vehicles with no more than four guests per vehicle. The drives are led by local Maasai guides who know the region intimately. They will show you how they track animals and can tell what events occurred in the area over the past few hours.

See many Wildebeest and Zebra, which when the Great Migration passes through the area can number in the hundreds of thousands. The camp is situated close to one of the animals preferred crossing points on the Mara River. This is always a moment of tension fraught with drama as they struggle to make the crossing and avoid the powerful jaws of some of the largest Crocodiles in Africa.

Game Walks

There can be no better way to experience the wildlife than walking among them. Head out on game walks under the supervision of an armed guide. The walks last between 1and 2 hours. They are done at a gentle pace with frequent stops where the guide will impart skills such as tracking, or speak about the importance of a plant. You will also learn how to react in the presence of animals for their safety and your own.

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