What to do at Richards Camp

Richards Camp offers exciting guided day and night game drives, bush walks with a Maasai warrior and cultural visits to a Maasai Village.

Guided Walks

Discover the denizens of the Masai Mara while on an escorted bush walk under the guidance of a Maasai guide. They know the region intimately and can teach you how to track animals and tell you about their behaviour. They will also impart their wisdom regarding survival on the African plains.

Game Drives

Venture further afield while on guided game drives in specially adapted safari vehicles. The camp is in a wildlife rich area, but between October and November the Great Wildebeest and Zebra migration passes through the area. This is one of the greatest spectacles on Earth with over two million Wildebeest on the move. Take a picnic and delight in a full day exploring, stopping under the umbrella of a flat topped Acacia for lunch.

Traditional Sundowners

As the sun slips below the horizon in a blaze of glory the game drive will halt in a scenic location for sundowners. Many of the animals are more active during the hours just before dusk and the sightings should be good, perhaps a herd of Elephants on the plain or a herd of Giraffe silhouetted against the amber sky.

Nocturnal World is revealed on night game drives

Night game drives are possible as the camp is located on a private conservancy. This is a great opportunity to see the regions nocturnal animals such as Lions getting ready for the evening hunt, a Leopard lazing in a tree or a giggling pack of Hyena on the scent of a fresh kill.

Learn about the Maasai People

Delve into the fascinating culture of the local Maasai People. These pastoralists have lived in harmony with the wildlife for hundreds of years and their traditional way of life is little changed. They value their cattle above all else and are known for their rich red dress, colourful beadwork and quirky jumping style of dance. Visit a traditional homestead called a Manyatta and learn about their life on the savannahs.

Hot Air Balloon Safaris

Take off with the dawn and fly above the rolling plains of the Mara, see the Wildebeest and other wildlife scattered like ants across the plains. After an hour or two drifting above the trees you’ll land and enjoy a champagne breakfast.

Flights over the Mara

The staff at Richards Camp can also arrange for guests to go on a scenic flip above the Mara. This is a wonderfully scenic way to see the tapestry of the African plains down below.

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